Zoom Integration with Membroz

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Zoom Integration with Membroz

In this article, you’ll learn how to activate, authenticate & use zoom integrations in your Membroz account.

Steps of activating and authenticating Zoom Integrations:

Step-1. In the Setting Menu select ‘Integration’.


Step-2. Click on ‘Zoom’ Activate button

Step-3. Click on ‘Zoom’ Connect button

This will open Zoom sign in page.

After successful zoom signin, user will redirect back to membroz integration page and button changed to “Disconnect”

Steps to create one-on-one appointment:

Step-1. Proceed to create a one-on-one appointment in Membroz Calendar.

Go to Calendar > Service Booking

Enter client name, service, host and date time of appointment.

Save the appointments, and ensure appear on calendar. Client will receive message with appointment detail and zoom meeting link. you can verify booking created under your zoom account too.


Steps to create Group class booking:

Step-1. Proceed to create a one-on-one appointment in Membroz Calendar.

Go to Calendar > Class Booking

Enter class size, service, host and date time of group class.