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Payment Gateway
In this article, you will learn how to make third-party transactions.
A payment gateway is basically used for online transactions.
Steps of integrating payment gateway:
Step-1. In the Organization menu, Click on the ‘Setting’ icon.
Step-2. Then in Payment Setting, click on the ‘Payment Gateway’ option.
Step-3. Activate any payment gateway. For e.g. We are activating ‘Easebuzz’.
Here, Membroz has already added some payment gateways like ‘Paytm, Easebuzz, Instamojo, PagueloFacil, etc.’
Step-4. Once you activate Easebuzz, You will need to config the same.
On clicking ‘Config’, enter mandatory info marked with (*).
Step-5. Click on the ‘Submit’ button.
Note:- Membroz is giving the service to integrate payment gateways as per the client’s requirements.