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Staff Availability Calendar
In this article, you’ll learn how to manage Staff availability in your Membroz account.
Steps to set up staff availability calendar:
Step-1. In the organization menu, click on the ‘Setting’ icon.
Step-2. Then in Account Setup, click on the ‘Staff Roaster’ option.
Understanding Staff Roaster:- Staff Roaster basically means availability of the staff. Staff roaster here provides you with available staff on a particular day to perform a particular service as per client requirements.
Step-3. On clicking the ‘Staff Roaster’, You will see the list of staff added to your membroz account.
Step-4. Click on Particular Staff. For e.g. Reesha
Here Reesha is unavailable on all working days.
Step-5. To make available a particular staff, Click on the ‘Staff Name’.
Step -6. Click on ‘Availability Calendar‘.
Step-7. Click on ‘Edit Availability’ and avail the staff as per your requirement.
Step-8. Click on the ‘Day’ and then click on the ‘Save‘ button.
Step-9. You will have the Staff Availability on your calendar.