Mobile booking app

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Member Mobile App

  • Branded App Experience Membroz provides a fully branded mobile app for clubs, allowing members to feel connected to their specific clubs.
  • Payment History and Invoices Members can easily view their payment history and upcoming invoices, ensuring transparency and convenience in managing their financial commitments with the club
  • Booking and Host Availability The app allows members to check their booking history, view service and host availability, and seamlessly make new bookings at their convenience.
  • Class and Event Booking Members can view class schedules and book sessions with just a few taps.

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Check In Mobile App

  • Member Check-InAllows members to quickly check in at the club using their mobile device, reducing wait times and improving the member experience.
  • Guest Check-In Enables members to check in guests, ensuring a smooth entry process for visitors.
  • Access Control Integration Supports integration with various access control systems like key fobs, QR codes, or biometric scanners to enhance security and streamline entry
  • Event Check-In Facilitates check-ins for events, classes, or personal training sessions, allowing clubs to manage attendance effectively.

Staff Mobile App

  • Check-In and Access Control Staff can facilitate member check-ins using mobile devices, often incorporating QR code scanning for quick access.
  • Scheduling and Attendance Tracking Staff can view and manage schedules for classes, events, and staff shifts, as well as monitor attendance for classes and appointments.
  • Class Management Trainers can view and manage class schedules, including upcoming sessions and attendance records. This helps them prepare for classes and ensure they are ready to accommodate members​

Product Features

membership management software

Membership Management

Collect payment online, view reports, and reminders for renewal, and easily communicate with members with integrated email and communication tools.


Payment & Billing

Easy and secure access, auto-generate bills based on payment terms, create invoices, receive payments online, and keep track of payments.


Booking & Cost Management

Customize your services, and booking rules with flexible setup options. View an entire booking, and set special discounts for services.


Member Mobile App

The client can register, make a booking, get instant confirmation & make payment. Submit inquiry & service feedback on the mobile app.


Account & Finance Reporting

Manage Expenses, Invoices, Bills & Salaries. Generate Balance sheet, Income & Cashflow statement.


Inquiry Management

Capture inquiries generated from various sources like websites, references, and direct meet. Manage to follow up and closer.

Looking for an Enterprise Plan?

Membroz Enterprise Plan offers unmatched benefits for a big organization with multi-locations and large users.
Enterprise Plan starts at $500/month Billable Yearly
Help us understand what you need to stay competitive and grow your business with Membroz.

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