Manage Locations, Resorts & Hotel

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Manage Locations, Resorts & Hotel

In this article, you’ll learn how to manage locations, resorts & hotels in your Membroz account.

Steps to manage Place/Locations:

Step – 1. In the Organization Menu select ‘Booking’.

Step-2. Navigate to the ‘Place & Location’ option.

Step-3. After selecting the ‘Place & Location option, click on the ‘Add Place & Location button. You can continue adding more information after the Place & Location are added.

Manage Locations

Step-4. Enter all the mandatory details & click on the ‘submit’ button.

Manage resort places


Steps to manage Resorts/Hotels Booking:

Step – 1. In the Organization Menu select ‘Booking’.

Step-2. Navigate to the ‘Hotel & Resort’ option.

Step-3. After choosing the ‘Hotel & Resort option, click on the ‘Add Hotel & Resort button.

manage hotels

Step-4. Enter all the mandatory details & click on the ‘Submit’ button.

resort management

Step-5. Click on Resort Name to see Resort information. Select the ‘Add’ button to add a tariff to the hotel.

hotel management details

Step-6. Enter the room tariff details & click on the ‘Save’ button.

tariff management