Resort & Hotel Booking

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Resort & Hotel Booking

In this article, you’ll learn how to add and define hotel and tariff booking in your Membroz account.

Steps of managing place/location:

Step – 1. In the Organization Menu select ‘Booking’.

Step-2. Navigate to the ‘Place & Location’ option.

Step-3. After selecting the ‘Place & Location option, click on the ‘Add Place & Location button. You can continue adding more information after the Place & Location  is added

Step-4. The only detail that is mandatory is ‘Location.

Step-5. When you’re done entering Place & Location info, click on the ‘Submit’ button.

Steps of managing hotel/resort booking:

Step – 1. In the Organization Menu select ‘Booking’.

Step-2. Navigate to the ‘Hotel & Resort’ option.

Step-3. After selecting the ‘Hotel & Resort option, click on the ‘Add Hotel & Resort button. You can continue adding more information after the Hotel & Resort is added

Step-4. The only detail that is mandatory is Resort Name and Location.

Step-5. When you’re done entering Hotel & Resort info, click on the ‘Submit’ button.

Step-6. Click on Resort Name to see Resort information, to add room details & tariff go to the tariff expansion panel click on add dropdown menu and select room type enter room details and then finally click on save button.

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