Compliance at Membroz


ISO/IEC 27001

ISO/IEC 27001 is one of the most widely recognized independent international security standards. This certificate is awarded to organizations that comply with ISO's high global standards. Membroz has earned ISO/IEC 27001:2013 certification for Applications, Systems, People, Technology, and Processes. Applicable to: The Information Security Management System to cover the Provision of SaaS Membership Platform (Membroz) and Application Development Services.

Membroz SSL

Secure Data Transmission

The privacy of all internet communication between users and clients and our system is secured by TLS 1.2 which is one of the strongest protocols available today.

Security & Trust

Network Protection

We constantly vigil over our network to detect and thwart potential threats, such as data breaches, adware, hackers, pop-ups, and phishing attempts. Our historical uptime of 99.9% aligns with our commitment to being a reliable business partner you can trust.

Trusted Data Centers

Membroz hosts its servers across three trusted data centers located in Canada, the USA, and Singapore. These facilities boast round-the-clock security personnel, robust security badge control systems, video surveillance, and stringent access controls, ensuring a formidable defense against unauthorized entry. Moreover, the hosting centers adhere to R82 and R81 APSAD standards and comply with ISO 27001 standards.

Security by Design

We adhere to Secure Development Lifecycle (SDL) principles, proactively identifying key security risks before each project change and integrating appropriate security controls to mitigate these risks. Our focus includes safeguarding the system against recognized vulnerabilities such as SQL and XSS injections, CSRF attacks, and more, by implementing industry-leading security assurance measures recommended by SaaS companies.


Membroz does not retain any credit card details. Whether you're paying your subscription fee or your clients are paying for services through your booking page, all transactions are processed externally by trusted and secure PCI DSS-compliant parties like PayPal, Card Connect, Stripe, and others. This ensures that your payments are consistently secure, and your payment information remains confidential.

Data Backup

Every day, your data within Membroz undergoes backup and is securely stored on servers using encrypted data transfer across multiple locations to prevent any risk of data loss or corruption. Our backup procedures are routinely verified to ensure the highest level of security and reliability for your peace of mind.

Protecting Personal Data

Membroz is meticulously crafted to tightly control the level of access required by our support personnel, minimizing any unnecessary privileges. Every staff member with data access undergoes NDA signing and submits a criminal record certificate. Access to relevant data is strictly limited to individuals based on their designated roles through role-based authorization.

Looking for an Enterprise Plan?

Membroz Enterprise Plan offers unmatched benefits for a big organization with multi-locations and large users.
Enterprise Plan starts at $500/month Billable Yearly
Help us understand what you need to stay competitive and grow your business with Membroz.

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