Book Appointment

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Book Appointment

In this article, you’ll learn how to book ab online appointment for a service or facility, or product in your Membroz account.

Steps to book an online appointment:

Step-1. For online booking, first, sign up/sign in to your account.

Step-2. Enter all the required details to sign up for your account.

Appointment Booking Software

Step-3. After Signing in to your account, you can book an appointment by selecting the ‘Book Now‘ option.

Appointment Booking System

Step-4. On clicking the book now options, select the booking date & time & click on the ‘Add To Cart‘ option.

Facility Booking Software

Step-5. Now click on the ‘Place Order‘ button.

Facility Booking System

Step-6. Now, click on the ‘Complete Booking‘ option.

Service Booking Software

Confirm Booking