Option to offer timeshare fixed week, flexible or rotating through different weeks each year

Fixed, Floating or whole ownership

Typically, each timeshare owner is assigned specific weeks during the year when they hold the privilege to utilize the property. The extent of these options depends on the terms outlined in their ownership agreement and any related exchange programs.

  • Owners can choose to utilize the property themselves, rent it out, exchange it for another timeshare property elsewhere, or grant permission for friends or family to use it.
  • A full ownership timeshare contract grants the flexibility to book the property throughout the year.

Timeshare Software
Weeks allocation with automatic process

Weeks allocation with automatic process

The system provides the option to designate a future period for automatic allocation of weeks to owners, thereby saving both time and expenses.

  • Allocation of weeks will adhere to contract terms such as fixed, floating, or rotational.
  • Owners can access their assigned weeks conveniently through the owner portal web login or the app login.
  • Week analysis offers a comprehensive view in both calendar and tabular formats.

Weeks to rental or exchange

Membroz timeshare introduces new opportunities for revenue generation for both owners and property managers. Utilizing Membroz's advanced communication tools and integration with marketing platforms such as Mailchimp and Brevo, owners can be promptly notified about available weeks for sale.

  • Automatically monitors available weeks for sale and resale.
  • Send message to owners through automation
  • Management receives detailed customized reports and more.

Front Desk and Rental Booking

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