Hotel Booking & Confirmation Voucher

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Hotel Booking & Confirmation Voucher

In this article, you’ll learn how to manage hotel booking & get confirmation vouchers in your Membroz account.

Steps to manage hotel booking & confirmation voucher:

Step-1. In the organization menu, select ‘Booking‘.

Step-2. Navigate to ‘Hotel Booking‘.

Step-3. Click on ‘Add Hotel Booking‘.

manage booking list

Step-4. Enter all the mandatory booking details & click on the ‘Save‘ button.

manage confirmation voucher

Step-5. On clicking the save button, you’ll receive a booking request mail on the member’s mail id.

manage hotel booking

Step-6. Now, again select ‘Booking‘ in the organization menu, & navigate to ‘Hotel Booking‘.

Step-7. Click on the ‘Edit‘ button of the particular member in the booking list & click on the ‘Save & Confirm‘ button to receive the booking confirmation mail.

manage booking confirmation

Step-8. Select ‘Payment Method‘ & click on ‘PayNow‘.

payment management

Step-9. A confirmation mail will be received with the confirmation voucher in PDF form.

manage booking inquiry

reservation confirmation voucher