Add & Use Gift Cards & Certificates

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Add & Use Gift Cards & Certificates

In this article, you’ll learn how to use Gift Cards & Gift Certificates.

Steps to using Gift Card.

Step-1. In the organization menu, select ‘Marketing‘.

Step-2. Navigate to ‘Gift Card‘.

Step-3. Click on ‘Add Gift Card‘.

Step-4. Enter the Gift Card details & click on the ‘Submit‘ button.

You can also combine the Gift Card with other coupons.

Step-5. In the organization menu, select ‘Service & appointment’ & navigate to the ‘Frontdesk’.

Step-6. Enter the Customer or Member name & select Gift Card to purchase the card.

Enter the Gift Card number & click on the ‘Save’  button.


Step-7. Click on ‘Pay & Checkout’ & Select any payment method.

Then click on the ‘Pay Now’ option.

Step-8. The receipt is generated for the gift card.

Now how to use the Gift Cards?

Step-9. In the organization menu, select ‘Service & Appointment’ & navigate to ‘Frontdesk’.

Step-10. Enter the Customer or Member’s name and select any product.

Step-11. Click on ‘Pay & Checkout’.

Step-12. Select ‘Gift Card’ in the ‘Payment Method’.

Step-13. Enter the Gift card number & select the ‘PayNow’ option.

Step-14. The receipt is generated.

Now, you’ll learn about how to use Gift Certificates.



Steps to adding & using Gift Certificate.

Step-1. In the organization menu, select ‘Marketing’ & navigate to ‘Gift Certificate’.

Step-2. Click on ‘Add Gift Certificate’.

add gift cerificate

Step-3. Enter all the required details & click on the ‘Submit’ button.

Manage Gift Certificate

Step-4. In the organization menu, select ‘Service & appointment’ & navigate to the ‘Frontdesk’.

Step-5. Enter the customer or member name & select ‘Gift Certificate’ to purchase the certificate.

Step-6. The gift certificate number is sent to the customer’s mail id. Therefore, the customer’s Mail id is required for the gift certificate.


Step-7. Click on ‘Pay & Checkout’.

Step-8. Select the Payment method & click on the ‘PayNow’ button.

payment management system

The receipt is generated for the purchase of a gift certificate.

Generate Gift Certificates


Step-9. In the organization menu, select ‘Service & Appointment’ & navigate to ‘Frontdesk’.

Step-10. Enter the Customer or Member’s name and select any ‘Product’.

gift cards management system

Step-11. Click on ‘Pay & Checkout’.

Step-12. Select ‘Gift Certificate’ in the ‘Payment Method’.

Step-13. Enter the Gift Certificate number received through mail & select the ‘PayNow’ option.

manage gift cards

The receipt will be generated.