Schedule Appointments & Group Booking

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Schedule Appointments & Group Booking

In this article, you’ll learn how to schedule appointments and group bookings in your Membroz account.

Steps for scheduling appointments and group booking

Step – 1. In the Organization Menu select ‘Service & Appointment’.

Step-2. Navigate to the ‘Appointment Calendar’ option.


appointment management system

Step-3. After selecting the ‘Appointment Calendar option, click on the ‘Add Appointment button.

appointment calendar management


Step-4. Now select  Individual from the dropdown menu then select ‘Attendee’ or customer and ‘Service’, then click on ‘Save’.

service management tool


Step-5. Enter all the mandatory details marked with (*).

booking management system

Step-4. You can also add another appointment & then click on the ‘Save’ button.

Step-5. Your appointment is booked.

appointment management software


Step-6. To schedule, a group appointment selects a group from the dropdown menu then select service,  select date and time for service, select Staff and click on ‘Save’.

group appointment management


Step-7. Now after booking an appointment, click on that particular appointment. You will have more options as shown below.

service management system

Step-8. Click on the ‘Confirmed’ button if your appointment is confirmed.

manage appointments online

Step-9. Click on ‘Reschedule‘ if the customer wants changes in the time slot.

appointment management software free

Step-10. Click on the ‘Cancel’ button if the customer cancels an appointment.

manage appointment service

Step-11. Select the cancellation reason & click on ‘Early Cancel’.


Related document and videos:

1. How to add new service ?