Product Commission

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Product Commission

In this article, you’ll learn how to add product commission to the Membroz account.

Steps to add product commission:

Step-1: In the organization menu, navigate to ‘HR & Payroll’.

Step-2: Select ‘Salary Component’.

Manage Salary Components

Step-3: Click on ‘Add Salary Component’.

Salary Management

Step-4: Enter all the mandatory details & other configurations. Then click on the ‘Save‘ button.

how to manage component

Step-5: Now add products on which the commission is to be provided.

manage product commission

Step-6: Now, in the organization menu, navigate to ‘HR & Payroll‘ & select ‘Payroll Configuration‘.

Step-7: Click on ‘Assign‘ to provide product commission on a particular service.

HR Management

Step-8: On clicking the assign button, you’ll get more options as shown below.


Manage Product CommissionYou can also add an exception product commission.

Product Commission Management

Add any product required as an exception.

Product Management

Enter the commission details & click on the ‘Save‘ button.

Step-9: Now in the organization menu, select ‘Service & Appointment‘.

Step-10: Navigate to ‘Frontdesk‘.

Step-11: Select any customer or member & add products & make payment of the same.

Dashboard for products

Also, select the staff by clicking the edit button as shown below.

manage product details

Now click on the ‘Pay & checkout’ button.

Step-12: Select the payment method & Click on the ‘Pay Now’ option.

payment method management

The bill is generated.

manage bills

Now we’ll check how much commission will be received by the staff.

Step-13: In the organization menu, navigate to ‘HR & Payroll‘ & Select ‘Staff Commission‘.

Step-14: Select the date range & click on the ‘Calculate‘ button.

manage staff commission

Now click on the ‘View Details‘ button.

staff commission details

Here you’ll find all the details of the staff product commission.


list of product commission