Fortifying Your Future: SaaS Data Security Solutions
Your data is in good hands
We understand the Importance of confidentiality, integrity, and availability of your information. In an era where data is the lifeblood of businesses, our commitment is to fortify your SaaS experience with cutting-edge security protocols.
Hosted on Azure servers
Enhance flexibility and speed of service with the world's largest online service, Microsoft Azure hosted data center, it comes to 24/7 continuity and 99.8% uptime rating. Membroz customer databases are managed by Mongodb atlas hosted on Microsoft Azure data center that provide high availability and scalable Azure Virtual Machines.

Mongodb Atlas Encryption at Rest
Encryption at rest, when used in conjunction with transport encryption and good security policies that protect relevant accounts, passwords, and encryption keys, can help ensure compliance with security and privacy standards, including HIPAA, PCI-DSS, and FERPA.
Looking for an Enterprise Plan?
Membroz Enterprise Plan offers unmatched benefits for a big organization with multi-locations and large users.
Enterprise Plan starts at $500/month Billable Yearly
Help us understand what you need to stay competitive and grow your business with Membroz.
Our Most Valuable Customers