Payment & Appointment Setting

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Payment & Appointment Setting

In this article, you will learn about the booking and cancellation of appointments and payment settings.

Steps to understand the Appointment and Cancellation process:

Step-1. In the Organization menu, Click on the ‘Setting’ icon.

Appointment Scheduling in Membroz


Step-2. Then in Payment Setting, click on the ‘Appointment and Cancellation policy’ option.

Appointment and Cancellation policy in Membroz


Here, there are 4 options ‘Booking Settings, Cancellation Policy, Payment settings, and Membership Settings’.

1. Booking Settings

Booking Management System

Booking Management

Steps:- Click and select yes or no according to your requirements on all the info related to booking appointments like allowing appointments after office closing time, allowing appointments in the past, resource overbooking, checking staff concurrency, etc.


2. Cancellation Policy

Cancellation Policy in Membroz

Step-1. Enter the mandatory details marked with ( * ).

Booking Cancellation Management

Note:- Here No Show Fee means if the customer is not present at the time of appointment, the fees charged for that are called No Show Fee.

Step-2. Enable Cancellation Reason and Cancellation Policy Text.

Step-3. Add ‘Cancellation Reasons’.



3. Payment Settings

Payment Management Software

Payment Management System

Step-1. There are different types of payment options are available to choose from according to your preference like accepting cash, credit card, checking credit notes, gift cards, etc.

Step-2. Now select different card payments like Visa, Rupay, Mastercard, etc. according to your preference.

Step-3. If require then you can also add Online Payment Details.


Online Payment Management

Step-4. Add different tax and tax rates.

Step-5. After enabling all the payment info, click on the ‘Save’ button.

4. Membership Setting

Step-1. Add the Membership Payment item and enable the other options as shown below.


Membership Management Tool


Step-2. After enabling all the membership info, click on the ‘Save’ button.