Manage Service

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Manage Service

In this article, you’ll learn how to add, define and manage service in your Membroz account.

Steps of adding service :

Step – 1. In the Organization Menu select Service & POS’.

Step-2. Navigate to the ‘Service’ option.

Step-3. After selecting the ‘Service’ option, click on the ‘Add Service’ button.

service management


Step-4. Enter all the mandatory information marked with (*). You can continue adding more information as per your need.

service management system

staff management system


task management system


cost management system


Step-5. When you’re done entering the Service’s info, click the Save’ button.


Step-7. To see the added service, open the ‘Service List’.


service list management system


Step-8. Click on a particular Service number to see detailed information about the services.

services management system


Step-9. Click on ‘Add Product’ to add the product used in your service.

product management system


Step-10. Click on the ‘Add Equipment’ button to add equipment used for providing the particular service.

manage system


Step-11. Click on ‘Add Room’ to add the room required to perform a particular service.

room booking management system


Step-12. To add support staff click on ‘Add Staff’ to add another staff required to perform the service.


staff management system


Steps-13. Click on the ‘Edit’ button to make any changes to your service details.

service details management