Online Classes for Educational Institutes
Welcome to the 2nd part of this 4-part blog. This article will help you understand the benefits of setting up online classes for your business and Why joining Membroz to do just that will be a step ahead for your business as compared to your competition?
Membroz school management software provides you with some added functionality to help your institute be the leader in online classes. While online classes help create an environment of education as a student studies from his/her living room. Teachers still need to know how well their students are progressing through this new method of learning.
Membroz lets teachers take online assessments based on what has been taught. It gives the teachers the freedom to set the papers the way they like. These assessments can be set in a fun interactive way that can encourage the students to take the test. Not only this, Membroz sets the benchmark in online learning by offering,
Digital Libraries:
Teachers can save their notes in digital format before or after a lecture which can then be easily accessed by any student with login credentials. Those not comfortable reading online, can easily download these notes and print them for offline use. Apart from the notes, the library also houses reference books for students which they normally wouldn’t find physically. This also means that everyone has the same reference for preparing for an exam.
Online Quizzes:
Students do not necessarily have to wait for assessments set by their teachers to know their progress which can be conducted monthly or fortnightly basis. After completing a chapter or a topic, students can use the online quizzes to gauge their progress/proficiency in the topic. This method of self-assessment through online quizzes helps students stay focused and motivated which is a key to getting good grades.
Meeting Rooms:
Just like in any traditional educational institute, membroz offers teachers the capability to conduct parent-teacher meetings. These sessions work just like physically going to the school but it is conducted from the living room of teachers to the living room of students. Parents can get their child’s assessment through these meeting rooms. Meeting rooms are a great way for a teacher to offer his/her feedback to a child’s parents for a more one-on-one session. For an individual who is teaching professionals, they can use these rooms to interact with their students and take feedbacks from them about the classes being taught.
The added functionality with Membroz is that on top of the above-mentioned benefits Membroz lets you manage class schedules, live vehicle tracking for students, attendance management, and online payment gateways. With so many benefits to offer for a small nominal fee, there’s no reason why you shouldn’t choose Membroz. Membroz is setting the industry standard in online management software so come join Membroz to make your institute a leader in pioneering education.
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