7 Seasons Resort & Spa

7 Seasons Resort & Spa


7 Seasons Resort & Spa, an exclusive lifestyle and recreation is set to take you on a luxury ride of freedom and rejuvenation. The thought of creating a club that doesn’t only focus on exclusive luxuries, but also provides a lifestyle that in the true sense helps you discover peace of mind. Our sole connection is helping members and guests maintain balance around their peers and family by creating an environment appropriate for individuals with diverse tastes and distinct ways.

Easy to work and operate. cooperative backhand staff. More efficiency to work with Membroz. Always on the run for any need.

Sunil Nair

Manager - 7 Seasons Resort & Spa


Our team wanted to manage the Facilities and their usage in a single system along with the payment details so that members can also be aware of the same by the application side.

  • Options for Facilities were given with an Availability calendar to track the rooms’ availability.
  • Options for Products were given with the Discount and Usage update on a yearly basis.
  • Admin and Member can check the Usage summary in the Web and Application.

Our team faced issues managing the usage of the Discounted facilities and products.

 Membroz provided the solution by providing the usage summary option, which was integrated with the membership plan and can be deducted by the billing process in the system.

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7 Seasons Resort & Spa

7 Seasons uses Membroz's Club & Resort Management Software to manage their Clubs & Resorts.

Gujarat, India

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