Automate Your Biometric & Access Control with Suprema Integration

Biometric & Access Control - Suprema

Suprema is a leading Biometric device and component for Access Control. With a single program, administrators can manage entire groups of facilities; designate access schedules, and many more.

How Does Suprema Work?

Suprema mainly serves the need of our Membroz clients on how to control access inside the workplaces and for attendance monitoring.

Contactless Mobile Solution

You don’t need to carry an access card with you. Just tap your smartphone on an RFID reader and the door will be open for you. It works when the smartphone is within a distance of 10 cm. With Suprema’s exclusive technology, it works without lighting up your smartphone screen.

Proven Security Performance

With Suprema’s exclusive security solutions, the entire process is protected by ISO 27001-certified system. Users are less likely to hand over their smartphones to other people, so it prevents unauthorized persons from entering your property.

The Easiest Way to Start Mobile Access, Airfob Patch

To start Suprema Mobile Access without replacing card readers, simply attach Suprema Airfob Patch to the existing card readers. Suprema Airfob Patch enables the communication between RF card readers and Mobile Access Cards by converting Bluetooth signal to RF card signal. The innovative patch-on device charges itself by harvesting energy from RF field signals.

Looking for an Enterprise Plan?

Membroz Enterprise Plan offers unmatched benefits for a big organization with multi-locations and large users.
Enterprise Plan starts at $500/month Billable Yearly
Help us understand what you need to stay competitive and grow your business with Membroz.

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