Today’s blog is slightly different from our previous blog. We will be sharing some tips and steps to be followed to help grow your Salon Business. Starting a business is one thing but to make sure it keeps running for years to come is a whole new ball game. You have to be in the know-how of all the latest methods to make sure the customers are pouring in no matter the situation. You have to evolve or be extinct.
Whether you are an established salon business in your locality or have just started a new salon it is important to make sure that the maximum number of people know about your business and once the customer list grows you have to ensure that you can manage it as efficiently as you did when you started. Here are 5 tips that are going to help you do just that.
1. Google My Business
In the information age, Google has been leading the charge when it comes to getting any kind of information whether it be finding a doctor, a gym, a mechanic, or a salon. The first-place people go to is GOOGLE. It is the most used search engine by a long shot. Adding your business on Google My Business is the move when it comes to getting more customers.
Anyone in the locality searching for a Salon will be suggested your Salon in order of the ratings received (best to worst). If you have a good track record with your existing customers, Google will be the best PR you have in the online world.
2. Create a website for online presence
There is another way to build your online presence apart from Google and that is by building your website. Building your website is like having your virtual business card where you can showcase your work and help spread the word to more and more potential customers. Having a website gives you the freedom to showcase your Salon online the way you want to.
With the help of a website, you can build a list of email subscribers who follow your business and use this as a means to draw in more customers by sending out offers directly in their mailbox. Creating a website also gives you the option to post How to blogs on hairstyling and maintaining one’s hair to help draw online traffic which can potentially turn to customers in-store.
You can check out our Salon business website templates and get help from our UI/UX expert to put your unique design on the web.
3. Social Media Marketing / Branding
The introduction of social media has been a real game-changer when it comes to marketing. Gone are the days of fliers and banners that used to cost a tonne of money and also needed an expert for the task to be carried out. With social media, marketing is made easy and it is something that you can do on your own.
Having your own social media page is a good way to promote your work, your customer review, and take your potential customers on a journey with you.
You can also use a paid promotion on social media platforms to reach a bigger audience. It lets you choose what are the people you would like to reach. You can carry out social media campaigns to reach a large audience and also conduct contests for more engagement on your page thereby drawing in more potential customers.
4. Develop a mobile app
This next step can take a little time, effort, and investment on your part as an owner but if you have a mobile app for your salon, it is a game-changer. With apps, customers can book appointments with the stylist of their choice anytime and from anywhere. You inform customers about upcoming offers and festive discounts with a click of a button. It is an excellent customer management solution as you do not have to worry about overbooking your stylist. Displaying all the details on the app regarding the availability of stylists can reduce phone calls thereby helping you tend to customers that are present in the store.
You can check out our Salon business mobile app portfolio and get help from our UI/UX expert to put your unique design in the mobile app.
5. Salon Management Software
An increase in customer numbers is a sign of a growing business and to sustain this growth you must be able to manage the nooks and corners well. Managing a Salon in itself is a huge task add to that having to make sure clients are satisfied with your service. It is important to automate your management.
Membroz specializes in cloud-based software services that can offer you salon management software that can help take care of your finances (giving you an intensive report of your finances). It can also help manage your inventory so that you never run out of any products ever. With this software, you can also manage your staff attendance.
Membroz can also help create a mobile app as previously mentioned. Software service also helps you manage bookings to make sure that your staff is not overworked.
If you would like to know more about how Membroz’s Salon software solution can help you with the nitty-gritty of management you contact us or request a free demo and our agent will get back to you.
Follow these 5 steps for your established or a new salon store and see your business grow as it has never done before.
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