Enterprise Resource Planning | ERP | Benefits Service Businesses

Before we start with today’s blog on why Enterprise resource planning is necessary for your business, we’d like to welcome all our blog subscribers and all business owners who’d like to learn the benefits of ERP.

For those who’ve stumbled on this blog on google and are wondering what is Membroz all about and what does it stand for, check out our Acquire, Engage and Grow blog to understand more of what we do. Let’s hop on the lesson train to understand Enterprise Resource Planning.

Definition of ERP

In layman’s terms, your business, an enterprise is planning and managing its resources using a system or software. A more in-depth definition of Enterprise Resource Planning or ERP software is that it is used to connect, communicate and analyze all aspects of your business under one roof.

Everything from managing your projects, customers, finances falls under ERP software. ERP software is used to automate all your business activities. ERP software is beneficial for service industries such as salons, gyms, service centers, rental stations, hotels, etc. ERP software helps the business stay on top of all its activities by helping you track your finances and operations using reports.

ERP is offered both as a Software as a Service (SaaS) or a complete module either offline or cloud-based to interact between your businesses regular and repetitive activities.

Advantages of ERP

It is the value that a software/service offers to your business that really counts when it comes to buying anything for your business. Now, let’s look at some of the advantages of ERP and the reason why it is so good and a must-have for the service industry. Also, what makes ERP software so great.

  • Reporting and Tracking (Monitoring)

    In order for a business to have longevity and also have an advantage over its competition, it has to be innovative and very clean when it comes to its functionality. Innovation is taken care of by the minds but that can only be done when one rests assured that their business is running flawlessly.

    Having ERP software saves you a lot of time by providing you reports on demand that help you track your finances and make changes in your operations once a week while you focus on innovation the rest of the days. Now, you keep innovating while ERP does the monitoring.

  • Automating Regular Activities

    Nothing can be more time-consuming for a business than doing the same activities every single day over and over again. Especially activities that can function just as well without any human interaction. Take, for example, a business that deals with customers having to make an appointment to avail their service. Rather than having a resource answer calls, ERP can automate the appointment process by taking it online.

    Moreover, it is efficient both for you and your customers by helping them know the available time slots of appointments. Businesses can automate their billing process as well by collaborating with payment gateways through ERP. Whether you’ll take payment before or after offering a service is up to you but you won’t have to worry about billing a customer. ERP will do it for you.

  • Customer Satisfaction

    The definition of success or progress of a business is its happy and repeating customers. ERP helps integrate customer service into your ecosystem seamlessly helping you solve queries from troubled customers. It also allows a business to take feedbacks from customers that can eventually help you make your customer experience all the better and thereby keeping them loyal to your business.

  • Centralized Database

    ERP offers inter-connection between various operations of the business. It saves time by centralizing your data which helps you with the reports and also helps you understand your customer’s behavior pattern when it comes to your business. Having a centralized database helps your business get rid of multiple spreadsheets which usually would take up all your time to collate. ERP is the ultimate powerhouse when it comes to collecting, managing, and analyzing your data.

Where does Membroz stand in all this?

Now that you’ve understood what ERP is and what makes it worth having for your business, some of you might wonder about Membroz. What is Membroz? We are ERP, we offer ERP services through SaaS (Software as a Service). The things that make our ERP offering so great is the speed, customisability (based on SLA), 24X7 support, and on-demand training videos and blogs.

Having a subscription with Membroz is like having a God Tier Premium ERP service for your business. We’re the industry leader when it comes to ERP services. Not sure still, click here to get a glimpse of what we’re all about and why we’re the right choice for you. You can also see what our customers have to say about their experience in working with Membroz. Once you begin using Membroz you won’t miss or need any other ERP software, that’s a promise!

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