Communicate on WhatsApp to enhance customer experience with video, pdf & rich content

Seamless WhatsApp Integration for Enhanced Communication

Empower Your Website with Real-time Messaging: Explore the Benefits of WhatsApp Integration

Booking confirmation

Receive a new booking request? Keep your customer updated in real-time with an instant booking notification on their WhatsApp.

  • send waiting list class confirmation
  • send one-on-one appointment confirmation

Booking confirmation
Payment Links

Payment Links

Provide a payment link to your member with an invoice attached, allowing him to make payment online instantly.

  • Send recurring payment link
  • Send outstanding invoice

Ticket & confirmation voucher

Send event ticket & confirmation voucher in reach text format in customer whatsapp number


Looking for an Enterprise Plan?

Membroz Enterprise Plan offers unmatched benefits for a big organization with multi-locations and large users.
Enterprise Plan starts at $500/month Billable Yearly
Help us understand what you need to stay competitive and grow your business with Membroz.

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